I am going to write a Unit of Study for first grade that I have not seen written elsewhere.
I am excited and nervous at the same time. Almost as if I am racing against...something. I feel a push. I feel a strong desire to create. I don't even know if this is a good idea.
But the hill is there. And I am going to climb it.
I have my stack of mentor texts. I have my Katie Wood Ray and Lucy Calkins and all of the great minds of elementary writing instruction that have shared their genius, their experiences, their work with me. They have taught me through their own writing.
It is art. I know it is. What I am trying to make is art. With children who have only in the last year or so learned how to form letters. Make words. Put sentences together. (Some are still learning).
I am ready. It is like I laid my idea down on the ground and, layer by layer, the earth and the sun and the wind grew it. And now it is a big hill.
I have to climb it.
I'm ready to climb it.
Want to come with me?