My biggest challenge as a writing coach is to convince teachers that writing instruction is best centered around the writer and not the writing. This is a darned hard concept for teachers to grasp. Teacher education programs in Virginia, and across the nation, need to dedicate additional coursework hours to writing pedagogy. Because, sadly, now that Virginia no longer tests writing in elementary school via the Standards of Learning end-of-year assessments, what was already limited professional development in writing pedagogy, research, and innovation may now be non-existent in many places.
Over the next five posts, I will explore what I believe to be the most critical habits of mind that both teachers and students need to embrace in order to be successful writers. These "star points" are at the heart of the writing process. Every teacher can be an inspirational influence on his or her student writers. And every single child deserves a teacher who believes that #allkidscanwrite!
Christy Weisiger