Happy New Year, teachers, parents, and writers! Welcome to a brand new school year and a brand new start for me and this blog!
I am charting a new path for myself by launching an online writing school called All Kids Can Write via the Teachable.com platform. After 20 years with my school division, I have decided to branch out on my own and do the work that I am passionate about - working with students and teachers and parents on writing! This work fuels me. It inspires me. It brings me joy. And it is my calling.
I am starting with just one course, an 8 lesson mini-unit of study on graphic narrative writing. You can find a sneak peek of the first session on my Facebook page, All Kids Can Write. The link to my new course is also posted on that page. (https://all-kids-can-write.teachable.com)
The lessons are student facing, so they are ready to use with your student(s). I am also available for 1:1 coaching sessions which you sign up for separately.
To be honest, I am scared to death to put myself and my work out there. But I know that we ask students to be brave and put their work out for us to see each and every day. I want to make a difference for student writers. To do that, I have to be brave and share my work with the world.
Let's do this together!
I am going to be adding courses and building the curriculum of the school. I would love for you to join me on this journey to support student writers. All kids CAN write - let's make it happen!
Happy writing!