But, now I need to recover, rethink, reconsider so many things. The world is upended, and I, like most everyone else, am struggling to process and understand it all.
So, for awhile, I will post photographs and poetry. These are my creative outlets for the moment. Thank you if you pop in occasionally to check on my work. I know that I will be ready for whatever "school" and "teaching" look like in September. But, for now, I'm just going to reflect and try to grow into the tremendous changes of our time. It's time to dig deep.
Friday Morning, 6/26/2020
We rise
And walk into the mourning fog,
Dropped down like a veil between
Us and the distant shore,
Our destination,
By pernicious design.
The sun, leader of the Milky Way,
Surpasses a capricious nature, no longer
Witty or even bizarre.
Hiding behind
A curtain of droplets -
We’re not even sure the star is
Still there.
Me and the ducks and the turtles
Won’t simply wait.
We cannot stop or be patient. We are
Gasping. Desperate. Searching.
We keep moving into the mist,
Through it, despite it,
Hoping it
Will disperse and reveal
A clearer view of
Where we are going.
Waiting, with undiminished expectation,
For the sun to change its mind and
Throw its full energy at the fog.
Eradicate the droplets,
Away and away and away,
Until they’re gone. Forever.
And we, all of us,
Can see the opposite shore, all of it,
Even the coves that were hidden,
Before we walked out of the mourning fog.
Christy Weisiger
June 26, 2020