My intent is to use this space each week to chronicle the journey of my writing work with kindergarten and first grade students this year. I want us to have a place to "meet" and share what is happening in our classrooms. I am blessed to be working with two teams of teachers who believe in their hearts that #allkidscanwrite - that is the only non-negotiable you will ever see me post! If we don't believe it, neither will the children who enter our classrooms with hearts full of stories they are bursting to share with us.
My room (the reading room) is set up. The classroom library books are standing neatly in purple baskets on my new Target shelves. The leveled books are ordered and waiting in white-labeled boxes. I have two complete sets of colorful Papermate Flair M markers - great for writers and writing.
I am ready, excited, scared, inspired...because I know that #allkidscanwrite! Let's Go!!