




Week 1

Teaching Points:  Writers learn where and how to sit on the carpet during instruction. Writers talk about why writers write - for an audience and with a  purpose.

Teaching Point:

Writers begin to think of themselves as authors and think of their lives as full of stories to tell.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn that the writer�s workshop happens every day and always includes a mini-lesson, writing time, conferencing, and sharing.

Teaching Point:

Writers think of themselves as authors and continue to build stories that come from their own experiences.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn how and where to store their work folders, where to find resources in the room, and take a tour of the writing center.

Week 2

Teaching Point:

Writers plan their writing by thinking about their story like a movie in their mind before they write.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn how to move from activity to activity and place to place within the workshop.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn that illustrations should fill the page and add details to their stories.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn to tell their story to a partner (turn and talk, knee to knee, eyes on me) in order to be better authors.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn to use nouns to label their illustrations.

Week 3

Teaching Point:

Writers learn what a detail is and how to add details to their stories.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn how to sit, listening with eyes and ears on the speaker, hands to themselves.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn about sentence structure - spaces between words, capitals, and periods.

Teaching Point:

Writers learn what to do when they finish a piece - start a new piece, peer editing, add to words/pictures, final copy.

Teaching Point:

Writers will learn ways to improve their writing - strong verbs, adjectives, voice.


Week 4

Teaching Point:

Mentor Texts - Students go back and revisit any modeled texts.

Teaching Point:

Mentor Texts -

Students go back and revisit any modeled texts.


Teaching Point:

Mentor Texts -

Students go back and revisit any modeled texts.


Teaching Point:

Writers finish pieces and �publish� them by reading to their partner.


Class Author Celebration!
